• Safeguard pick-up time

    With parents juggling the school run amongst their friends and family, we offer a safe way to manage changes to collection arrangements and ensure that children are handed to the correct grown-up.

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  • Working for everyone

    We combine security and community to protect children and support parents.

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    ID verification

    We have created an app that allows parents to build a network of people they trust to collect their children from school.


    Everyone needs to verify their identity using a form of government ID. So you can be sure that anyone collecting a child is exactly who they say they are.

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    Reduced admin

    Any changes to collection arrangements are shown instantly on the school system with a photo and contact details of the new 'fetcher'.


    This means no more phone calls and emails about collection arrangements. Just efficient, secure communication.

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    Who's who

    Our school platform is mobile responsive so you can have it to refer to at the school gates and pick out the right face from the crowd.

  • Our partners

    "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." – Ryunosuke Satorobelieve

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    A software engineering studio that develops new products that have security at their heart. Coremaker's background in financial services makes them perfectly placed to build robust systems for child safety.

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    Javelin ID

    As UK's only customisable ID card printer, Javelin delivers a simple, easy-to-use service that ensures your security card system works for you and maintains a safe environment for the children in your care.

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    Morton Michel

    Trusted by childcare professionals for 60 years, Morton Michel provides insurance, risk management and service solutions tailored specifically for the childcare and education sectors.

  • Let's chat!

    Leave us your email address and we'll be in touch to see how we can help.

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    2024年2月8日 · Fetching
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